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I strive to make the world of the play feel alive and attune my design to the emotional heart of a play. As a lighting designer, I want audiences to feel enveloped in the world created on stage. I utilize colour to create clear distinct locations that evoke emotional atmospheres. I build clean and dynamic transitions that signify wandering through a dark wood or the finite slamming of court doors.
I work with an intimate knowledge of story having earned a Bachelor’s degree in creative writing. I have carried this knowledge into my lighting work. This knowledge allows me to connect with the beats of a story quickly and attune cues with a director’s vision.
I draw from a deeply inquisitive place. I pay close attention to my collaborator’s processes, early notions, and staged ideas. I am sensitive to my collaborators’ desires and strive to highlight their intentions. My favourite work creates moments where lighting provides a piece that ties the show together and supports the performers. For me, a performer’s chest rising greater as the lights shift in flow with their emotions confirms that magic is real and that we all get to feel it in the theatre.