Za Hughes
Lighting Designer
Design Experience
Lights - Timon of Athens, Max Ackerman, Dandelion Theatre, Toronto
Lights- The Noose, Abigail Whitney, NextStage Festival, Toronto
Lights - Yoga for Billionaires, Sara Raj, Toronto Fringe, Toronto
Lights: A Wrinkle in Time, Shelby Reinitz, Storybook Theatre, Calgary
Lights - Elements Within Us, Maya Findlay, Sol Express, Toronto Fringe, Toronto
Lights -Unfurl: An Exploration in Movement, Marina Robinson Toronto Fringe, Toronto
Lights - Cabaret, Evan Builiung, St. Lawerence College, Ten Thousand Island Playhouse, Gananoque
Lights - Peter and the Starcatcher, Simon Mallett, Storybook Theatre, Calgary
Lights -A Scandle for All Seasons, Iain Mogach, Theatre by The Bay, Barrie
Lights - Between Root and Bloom,Evangeline Rose Connelly-Miller, CreativeZEST, Toronto Fringe, Toronto
Assistant Lights and Projection - Joe Pagnan, Marley's Christmas Carol, Thom Currie, Mangus Theatre, ThunderBay
Lights – The Fitting Room, Anna-Marie Anderson, Collectivus Theatre, Victoria
Lights – How to Tame a Dog/The Intention of Teeth, Adonis King, Intrepid Theatre, Victoria
Lights – The Fitting Room, Anna-Marie Anderson, Victoria Fringe
Lights - Tell the Hunter, Za Hughes, Phoenix Theatre, Victoria
Lights - Bethy and Ernie, Molly Mcdowell- Powlowski, Student Alternative Theatre Company (SATCo), Victoria
Lights - Antigones: A Movement Performance, Luciana Silvestre-Fernandes, Phoenix Theatre, Victoria
Lights - Sound is a Wave, Bisia Belina, Sound Body Studio, Victoria
Lights – Antigone, Luciana Silvestre-Fernandes Phoenix Theatre, Victoria
Lights – Project Mercury, Collette Habel, Vino Buno, Victoria
Assistant and Associate Experience
Forthcoming: Associate Lighting Designer - Michelle Ramsay, A Strange Loop, Ray Hog, Soulpepper, The Young Centre, Toronto
Associate Lighting Designer - Celeste English, Portals, Kaia Shukin, The Dance Centre, Vancouver
Assistant Lighting Designer - Gerald King, As You Like It, Daryl Cloran, Theatre Calgary, Calgary
Assistant Lighting Designer - Celeste English, Made in Italy, Daryl Cloran, Theatre Calgary, Calgary
Apprentice Lighting Designer - Michelle Ramsay, Little Shop of Horrors, Rob Kempson, Capitol Theatre, Port Hope
Apprentice Lighting Designer - Michelle Ramsay, Beautiful: The Carol King Musical, Ashlie Corcoran, Arts Club, Vancouver
Apprentice Lighting Designer - Michelle Ramsay, Prison Dancer, Nina Lee Aquino, Citadel Theatre, Edmonton
Assistant Lighting Designer - Michelle Ramsay, Martyr, Rob Kempson, ARC Studio, Toronto
Assistant Lighting and Projection Design - Joe Pagnan, Marley's Christmas Carol, Thom Currie, Mangus Theatre, ThunderBay
Education and Awards
BFA Theatre and Writing (University of Victoria 2018)
Talk is Free Theatre - Two Way Mentorship Program(Fall 2021)
Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award (2017)
Proficient use of Vectorworks Drafting
Proficient use of Light Wright Software
Competent on ETC Ion, Element, and Express Boards
Experience with new works